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Nicotine withdrawl and children ... a volatile cocktail.   :

  • On a flight from Phoenix to St. Louis...My husband and I sat across the aisle from one another. There was an empty seat between myself and a woman in her late 30's. Behind us, was a man in his early 40's traveling with two young girls around 7-8 years old. When we boarded, the seating arrangement for them was girl, man, girl. Before we took off, the little girl behind me would not stop kicking my seat. I gave 2 or 3 over the shoulder glances thinking the man would correct the children. He stood up and said,"I'll take care of this before it starts" and then he sat behind me. The other little girl began kicking my aisle partner's seat. She let the girl kick her seat for an hour and a half. Finally, she stood up, turned around and said very politely, " Would you mind giving your foot a rest?" The man went ballistic and just yelled so everyone 10 rows in the front and back of him could hear and did not direct his comment at the lady next to me . He just made a loud general statement. He said, "If you have a problem with kids on this airplane, address the parent and not the child. Then he added he hadn't had a cigarette for 2 hours. He was a complete jerk. It must have been a ticket he purchased when there was a huge promotion by the airline. This guy deserves to travel on a Moped!!

    Submitted by Gabee Fallert, Jefferson City, Missouri



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